About Sarah
Hi, my name is Sarah and this is my wonderfully beautiful, imperfectly, perfect family of four. My heart and soul in the flesh, my greatest teachers, and constant reason to grow.

Welcome to Pure Heart Therapies, an honouring and compassionate space for individuals, couples, and families to share, process and reflect on their unique stories, including the influence of families of origin.
Every person has a unique and beautiful story to share. Woven within these stories is a complex tapestry of context, relationships and life stages. Every individual, whether as a couple or a family, exist within the context of culture, spirituality, socio-economic status and societal norms. Often during seasons of both welcomed and unforeseeable change, difficulties and tensions arise within close relationships. Such life stages can include divorce, marriage, grief and loss, moving countries, commencing a new job, the birth of a child or financial difficulties.
It is my greatest honour to learn alongside of you, as you bravely share your story. It is my desire that you would feel seen, heard and valued as we explore your heritage and current difficulties through the lens of strengths. That you would understand the rich and complex interwoven tapestry of culture, relationships and life stages and their influence on your journey and presenting difficulties. As we momentarily stop, looking back in order to understand yourself, it is my hope you would feel inspired and encouraged to step forward into the future and culture you have always desired. Rewriting your future chapters and the legacy passed down through the generations.
Hi, my name is Sarah and this is my wonderfully beautiful, imperfectly, perfect family of four. My heart and soul in the flesh, my greatest teachers, and constant reason to grow.
Have we got “there” yet? No. Will we ever be “perfect”? No way. But perfection isn’t the goal is it? And the journey we have been on together and the story and family legacy we continue to create with our children, is my biggest inspiration for Pure Heart Therapies.
The battles we have fought, the victories we have won, and all of the learning along the way. If it was all just to help one other person, couple or family. If it was all just to help you. It would have all, been worth it.
Appointments are now available face to face on the Gold Coast, Queensland or Online via Telehealth.